Resep: Appetizing Chiken quesadilla

Enak, Sedap, Sehat and Bikin Kenyang.

Chiken quesadilla. You could totally sub the beef in that recipe for chicken, though you'll Check out our Ultimate Quesadilla recipe for all your beef-y needs. Why do I need to use. Zesty chicken and cooked peppers are a tasty delight when mixed with cheese and stuffed in a tortilla to create chicken quesadillas.

Chiken quesadilla They are not only filled with cheese and chicken, but a delicious. This chicken quesadilla recipe has an impressive look and taste with little preparation. The leftover chicken gets Mexican flair from cumin in this fun main dish. —Linda Wetzel, Woodland Park, Colorado. Kamu dapat memasak Chiken quesadilla menggunakan 9 bahan dan 6 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.

Bahan-bahan Chiken quesadilla

  1. Siapkan ayam fillet.
  2. Siapkan tortilla.
  3. Kamu membutuhkan lada hitam bubuk.
  4. Siapkan garam.
  5. Kamu membutuhkan alpukat.
  6. Kamu membutuhkan tomat.
  7. Siapkan paprika.
  8. Kamu membutuhkan keju mozzarella parut.
  9. Siapkan Margarine untuk olesan.

These chicken quesadillas are a meal in one! Loaded with chicken and veggies and very filling (I couldn't finish mine). Toasted flour tortillas with melted cheese, apple slices, chicken, and salsa. Making quesadillas is about as easy as it comes.

Chiken quesadilla Instruksi

  1. Cuci mersih ayam, bubuhi garam diamkan beberapa menit.
  2. Tumis ayam, paprika,bubuhi lada hitam dan garam,hingga matang boleh di campur tomat bila suka (sisihkan).
  3. Ambil tortila dan potong menjadi 2 bagian, masukan ayam dan keju, lipat hingga menjadi seperti gambar di atas.
  4. Saus : haluskan alpukat,pakai sendok, masukan potongan tomat (bisa tidak pakai tomat) beri garam dan lada sedikit.
  5. Siap di hidangkan, selamat mencoba bunda.
  6. Olesi margarine, bakar di atas api kecil, balik jika tortila sudah berubah warna dan angkat.

Warm a tortilla in a skillet and top with cheese and fillings. Wait until everything is warm and gooey, then fold and dig in. This is the Best Chicken Quesadilla Recipe EVER! Baked Chicken Quesadillas made in the oven so you can make multiple quesadillas at the same time! Stuffed with Mexican seasoned chicken and capsicum/bell peppers, plenty of gooey cheese.